The Challenge of the teen years
The idea of parenting is to guide children not to repress them to where they become discouraged. This is what I meant when I said in my previous writing that a wise person builds her home and a foolish person tears it apart. The idea is to instruct children so that they can make good decisions in life. Everyone makes mistakes but in doing so it should be a learning process. I would want for my mistakes to be teaching tool. For others to not make the same mistakes I made and for me to not keep repeating the same mistakes. I am thankful that I do have the option to evaluate what I am doing and what I need to be working on. Actually that is what these writing have been about for me. I am working through and giving thought to my actions and responses. I am also evaluating them and considering if I am getting my desired out come. My children do not have the maturity to do this for themselves but this is something I would want for them to learn. I also do want to discourage negative behavior...