
Showing posts from November, 2015

The Joy of Christmas

All good things given us come from heaven. Though things on earth aren't always even. But Christmas gives us a reason. To share with others, the joy of the season.   Joy doesn't have to be wrapped in a box. Or does it have to be a visit from St Nicholas. But a kind act, like the one on that first Christmas. Give someone the joy of Christmas.   We decorate and light holiday trees. We celebrate with our families. But pray that others would find peace. And for the world’s conflicts at this time to cease.   Show them more than just the Christmas story. A child born without wealth or glory. But true love as displayed by you. Give someone a reason to celebrate too. Give the gift of peace and love, gifts we can't do without. The Joys of Christmas was recently added to "The Cry of our Children' It is only available in ebook form on The book is being sold for $2.99 but can be read for free...

Natural treatment for Fibromayalgia

In this day and age of so much treatment to choose from it difficult to know what works best. Having to take a number of pills is discouraging. I found what appears to be a great alternative. I have not tried it but am documenting this here so that I can also have the info. If you want to simply unwind, read "The cry of our Children" an amazing selecting to empower men women and children. g et it for free from kindle unlimited by selecting this link

Secret love

                           Loyalty where there’s hurt                              is that sincerely honest, should any cling when love’s shattered?   Continue as if all’s ok,                             Keep up a ppearances while hiding truth?   Are there advantages to being faithful to one who isn’t, Or keep love a closely guarded secret?    If love were an undiscovered garden, any could explore it.   A secret ingredient in a recipe, It could be made, tasted and savored.   If none other than our hearts knew, ...

Reasons to Pray for Jerusalem

Pray for Jerusalem! The woman not the land. Pray for Jerusalem even if you don't understand. Pray for Jerusalem as if she was sent from heaven. Pray for Jerusalem That no harm would come to her. Pray for Jerusalem And those around who loves her. Pray for Jerusalem's protection. Pray for all these things Cause that's what scripture commands.

Believe in Yourself

Be accepting but rise above negative thinking and shine like the star you were born to be. Know you have the power to bring about  your own success more than others do. The mind is the most powerful tool, it molds views. Use it! Allow people who believe in your ability to influence.  Use your power to enable yourself and others, and great things will happen. Rise above, be a wholesome and honest person and good will follow. Believe also in  children. They are our future, key to making our world a splendid place and you have the ability to impact the way they view themselves and others. The story of "the Cry of our Children"  a series of lyrics and poetry to empower women, men and children. Borrow it from amazon kindle program  here.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Be thankful for every day that you are. Life is not to find yourself, but know who you are. If you never become a star on earth in God's eyes you are. Love those who loves you, even if you disagrees, They'll have your back even if it doesn't seems like it. Give a smile if nothing else to a homeless person. They may not have had one in ages. Be someone's hero, they'll be thankful that you were. Whatever good you do in life, if it's not returned to you It will beautify your person. Happy thanksgiving And may God Bless all who read. Stay sweet if you are, Driven if you want to get somewhere. Secure to remain confident. But whoever you are thanks a million for reading.

Live, Love and Learn

It's not how we get money, the love of it, That's the root of evil and turns off the spirit. Though none is perfect, stealing God doesn't condone. But said, any without sin throw the first stone.   What we chose to do reflects who we are. 'N our thinking's often the biggest offender. 'N it's really our guilt that gives us away. Not what others convince of or say. Live, love and learn to be thankful. Let there not be a day, you're not grateful. If not you'll take on more trouble than you got. And I don't know who would want to do that. Taken from "The Cry of our Children" get your copy here

Quote of the Day

I pray when I'm overwhelmed by fears. But prays keeps me connected with God. I hope least I give up. Trust when there's no other option. Love because it heals and uplift others. Forgives so I can be pardoned. Share because it is better than getting. Positive thinking enables good things to happen, and that's precisely what faith is. Live and learn your moments are to be treasured.

The Heart

The heart loves even when lips quiet. Smiles, rejoice, sends blood through veins, rhythmically remains consistent when eyes fail, recognizes love, the heart's aware if we fear, are emotional, cold, ticks like a grandfather clock, leaps for joy, is sensitive to stress. In our final days may fail but for now it's faithful, flattered when loved, functions as the organ of love, Vital to existence.   

Great Tips for every Type and Destination

Success is not the size of your wallet but level of contentment. We see with our brain and our minds see as we believe. Facts should determine justice but truth can be unbelievable. Drive matters, it takes you places. short cut robs you of authenticity. Transformation is of greater relevance than past actions. A conversation is exchange of thoughts between two but if one person does all the talking and one listens that's a lecture. Marriage is a joy, divorce devastates lives. Whatever your station is be happy with it. Personal fulfillment is not determined by actions of others but your own. Life is not about making money but the good and benefits that comes from living and having money. For great Tips and poetry Purchase the ebook "The Cry of our Children" by selection this link

Tweet from God

If you got a tweet from God what would you want it to say? Come as you are; don't let anything stand in your way? It doesn’t matter what you wear or what's your address, He's proud of you and loves you regardless? If I got a tweet from God, I'd ask for forgiveness. I'd want God to accept me as I am. I wouldn't want to be turn away for being honest. I'd want to know that He's proud of how I lived. For him to see I'm no longer held captive. I'd want him to not be ashamed of me. But happy that I'm free and helped others to be. I’d want him to understand I'm no longer chaotic. If I got a tweet from God, I'd be ecstatic. I would tell the world all about it. We are all beautifully created and blessed. 'N I thank him for taking time to tweet to me. for more inspirational poetry buy my book by selecting this link