
Showing posts from March, 2016

Tied Together in a Garment of mutual destiny

  Dr. King says that “ we are all tied together in a garment of mutual destiny.” With all the advancement we still struggle with social and political issues. The way we love affects every aspect of our life including our community . " The cry of our children" is a collection of poems based on social issues.   It gives tribute to some who lost their life in tragic circumstances and to inspire hope in those left behind.  There is an old adage that says charity begins at home? If we can't love and treat the ones we are responsible for well, how could we anyone else?   "The Cry of our children" provokes thoughts starting with its opening poem: Personal Significance.   My neighbor’s burden, Why is that of significance? I cannot see its complexities. It has no bearing on me.   If tyranny exists in another country, Within a random family, If a stranger’s grief stricken, Why should I meddle?   Are the crazy and home...

Strong but Fragile

Beauty comes from inside us. Not from our skin texture or physique. Conditioned to believe it’s in appearances, As seen on television, on cover of magazines, We accept what we are taught as real. Though it’s difficult to block false messages out, Get from under that cloud somehow. Don’t let any condition get the best of you. Use your internal voice to suppress noise. For even when strong, any can be torn down. buy my book of lyrics and poems here