Feeling Greatful/Behind the Lyric

Two days before hurricane Harvey I got a report from my neurologist saying I had two benign brain tumors. It took me a few days to process her message and by then hurricane Harvey hit. My house got 6 inches of water in it. A week after the storm a remediation company came and they cut 24 inches of wall throughout my home and cleaned up all the mud that covered the floors. I did my usual wining to my trusted friends, then after that I sent my medical information unto a relative who reviewed the findings. Like real estate in where a tumor is located determines value, location determines the need for swift action. Mine was in the retina canal, millimeters behind the optic nerve. Even noncancerous legions grow and that was the danger I was faced. I got to the Mayo clinic in Rochester Minnesota Wednesday night two weeks ago. On monday last week the tumor was removed. I spent the rest of last week in recovery and the step down unit. Today, I am home and the sheet rock people are her...