reasonable expectations

I have not written anything lately not because there is nothing to write about because there is a whole lot going on. The one thing I know from having lived this life is that as difficult as things may sometimes appear  that joy comes with the morning. By this I mean that my current troubles are only for a season. I know this may not be true in all of our life and it certainly does not seem true in mine either. For the most part it seem as one challenge ends a new one begins. I just know in my heart that I need to look up. There is no night that does not have a morning.

Right about now I wish I had taken the easy path in life. The path where my life would have been less complicated. I invested a 110% of myself in my children. Just yesterday someone told me that God does not want for any of us to have idols. She said this because she felt that I put my children first and above all including myself. I put them out there and talk about how well they are doing. I generally do not reveal that we have daily struggles. When has conflict ever been encouraging to anyone?

We all have things that we value and invest or time and money in. I invested a lot in my children and this investment is turning out to be no different that our current market. I am getting a quick yield from some and with others it would appear as if I have lost my investment. The thing is I do not play to lose.

I do not feel that I idolize my children and if you ask some of them they would tell you, I am a very firm parent. I would agree that I am very goal focused. I know what it is that I want for each of them and I try to do all the rights things to achieve that end.

I love by giving and doing and not through touchy feely. I do not even view that as love. While I am fully aware that as human we all have the desire to be held. That is a struggle for me at times but i do hug my children on occasions. I am more inclined to teach and guide and make things for my children. I tried to give them a well rounded life by exposing them to things that I consider wholesome. The problem is with  all the negative influence from the media and less than appropriate entertainment some of them are inclined to want to be apart of the things their peers are involved in. Some of my children are attracted to the things that give them immediate gratification. They feel the boundaries and limit I have set up for them are there for punishment instead of protection for which they are intended. The truth is I am not asking or expecting from them anything that I myself have not done. If I was then I would be a unreasonable hypocrite.


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