Toll Road: Economical progress or neighborhood Hazard.

Everyday I awake, another challenge or issue presents itself. Today I learned of yet another dilemma after I accompanied my son to the County Commissioner’s court. He went there in order to finish his communication badge; as a part of this Eagle Scout requirement he needed to document the proceedings, agenda and outcome of the proposed discussion.

Interestingly enough, I was not the only citizen from my neighborhood in attendance. Others were there to voice their opinion on Article 19 section A. This was a proposed study for a toll bridge that would link our neighborhood to down town. Apparently my neighbors fear that this would cause pollution and change the feel and look of their property, and bring crime to our area.

The commissioner that was representing our city council stated in the proceeding that this would ease up congestion on the main road that most people currently use. Another council member claimed that it would have the opposite effect on pollution and the air quality. It would bring much needed traffic into the downtown region of Richmond. There are many businesses there that are doing poorly due to the lack of traffic to that region. The council felt the need to do something to help those people.

After the public addressed their concerns and the council presented their views the motion was passed with three for and none against but with the other members of the court abstaining. All other articles presented from approval to pay city bills to renovations of the library were also approved.

After the court recessed, I introduced myself to the city council member. The proposed road would be right in front of my house. While I am pretty much aware of the need for more roads and access into downtown, I am more concerned about the safety of my children.

I would never have deliberately chosen to buy property next to a major thoroughfare and house my children there. Even as teenagers, children believe they are indestructible. The country road we currently live on is a two way road with no shoulders, no lights and very deep drainage. Even the major roads in our area that are a lot wider have no shoulders and very poor to no lighting. Apparently, this is how the roads around here are constructed. Furthermore, the road we live on is the only accessible path from our house into our community. My children often ride their bicycles through our neighborhood. I often see an elderly couple who lives near by driving their golf cart down this street. Other women and I often walk early in the morning out here. With an increase of traffic, no shoulder and no lighting, can you imagine how dangerous this would become? While it is true that the new road would impact the quality of our life, the greater concern should be the proposed danger.

While I would agree that the city needs to do something about the traffic congestion, I am more concerned about safety. It is very apparent that more thought needs to be given to the safety of the families who currently reside in this area. As this was my concern I did address it with the city council member. In return he gave me his card and stated that we needed to work together so that all these concerns could be handled. He also said that this study was done once before and it was determined that the project was not feasible. So this may not come to fruition. In the mean time we will just have to wait and see what the study shows. Our area is currently growing by leaps and bounds so some time in the future something needs to be done. To all this, I agree. I just do not want progress to come by putting my family in peril. I have enough challenges getting them what they need. I do not want to have to also now be battling traffic to get out of my driveway, or to be worrying if this is the day one of my children will get hit.

It was recently brought to my attention that this idea was proposed by a commissioner who resides in Katy and represents Pct. 1. The expansion of our road would therefore not impact him or his constituents.


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