Joy Overshadowed by Challenges

The joy of my second daughter’s college acceptance letter is being overshadowed by the troubles of the younger one. As a matter of fact, her issues seem to be taking away from all the other children. I do notice that the younger ones seem to be hugging and kissing me more than usual, an appreciated gesture.

Whatever I had negotiated with the district attorney office is no longer an option for us. I had to, reluctantly hire a lawyer for my daughter. They were not pleased about her being suspended from the military program. They are requiring for her to be placed in counseling. Ironically that is what I started with when she first started acting out. After she had been arrested, I requested that she be placed in a residential program. Insurance wise, I knew she would not meet the criteria in order for our medical program to pay. So essentially after 9 months nothing came of all my efforts. The court hearing is on Monday, and I have a sickening feeling that the court will mandate that we pay out of pocket for whatever program we decide on. Educational residential programs cost anywhere from thirty to eighty thousand dollars. In the mean time, my other two college age children do not qualify for financial aid. I know in my heart that this may be an extremely necessary expense but one I feel I cannot afford. The more excellent programs last until the child’s eighteen birthdays. This unwanted expenditure will only take away from the younger children.

On a brighter note, having one challenging child out of seven is something to be appreciated. Now I am as anxious about the younger children’s future as I once was about mine. From the start of this, I felt that my resources were to educate my children. Now I feel as if I am being forced to exhaust our funds in ways I would have not other wise chosen. Although, I was fully aware from the start that having the difficult beginning my children had that this path was a remarkably real possibility.


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