I know I said this before, but I cannot say it enough times how valuable and precious human life is. A thing of beauty, a treasured person, what can I say to such a one without devaluing myself? How must I respond, behave when I am in her presence? Is that not what you would say to yourself if you recognized that you were in the presence of one who society highly esteems? The real question is, would you know how to identify such a person? It probably would not be difficult at all. How about a person who God esteems?outward appearance that shed light on that person’s value? Once, as my family and I walked the cat-walk in Glenwood New Mexico, I spotted a bright object in the river. As I bent down to pick it up, my ten year old said to me," Gold does not look like gold." If even, a ten year old boy knows this, why is it that, as adults, we forget? I guess we forget because the same analogy can be attributed to humans. If we are not always in the news, our worth is not visible t...