
Showing posts from March, 2011

Written with Her in Mind.

Some of the poems that I wrote were written from my understanding of what I perceived to be in the hearts of hurting children. This was usually the case in my poetry book Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality. In Alfred Lord Tennyson’s Poem (In Memoriam) he wrote:                                                   I hold it true,                                                   Whate’er befall,                  ...

Love Endures The Test Of Time

In the pursuit of romantic interest if the other party does not respond or give some sort of indication of being interested, sometimes the best course of action is to turn away. Giving up does not necessarily mean that one's desire has faded. It may simply be an indication of accepting that the other person is not interested. Oddly enough in parenting one of my very determined beautiful daughters, I feel as if I am pursuing a child who has no interest in my philosophy or life choices. The most difficult part of this is that I lose more than a potential love if I sit back and do nothing. In this case, I would lose a child. It is a whole lot easier to walk away from a disinterested potential mate than it is from a child. I can bury my head in the sand and go on as if all is well but that will not change the facts. Several days ago, my daughter took a cell phone belonging to her math tutor. After adamantly denying that she had taken the phone, she finally confessed. We returned the ...

The Search for Love and Acceptance

As people we all make mistakes. It is very human to err. There is a verse in the bible that says, “Why do I always do the things that I hate.” This I can identify with too. There are times when I frown when instead I should have smiled. I have a clear recollection of one of those instances. There was a young man that I had a major crush on. One Saturday I saw him along with another fellow fixing his bicycle on the sidewalk. He had literally come to mind a few minutes before I saw him. I wanted to run in to him so I could talk to him but I also wanted the situation to be ideal. Then to my joy there he was but disappointingly he had a friend with him. Instead of smiling at him, I frowned and gave him a dirty look. Needless to say, from that time forth his attitude towards me changed. I first started blogging after having difficulty dealing with one of my teenage daughter’s rebellious behavior. I tried numerous interventions to get her back on track. At the present time she is taking th...


I know I said this before, but I cannot say it enough times how valuable and precious human life is. A thing of beauty, a treasured person, what can I say to such a one without devaluing myself? How must I respond, behave when I am in her presence? Is that not what you would say to yourself if you recognized that you were in the presence of one who society highly esteems? The real question is, would you know how to identify such a person? It probably would not be difficult at all. How about a person who God esteems?outward appearance that shed light on that person’s value? Once, as my family and I walked the cat-walk in Glenwood New Mexico, I spotted a bright object in the river. As I bent down to pick it up, my ten year old said to me," Gold does not look like gold." If even, a ten year old boy knows this, why is it that, as adults, we forget? I guess we forget because the same analogy can be attributed to humans. If we are not always in the news, our worth is not visible t...

Wrongly Accused

As it turned out my daughter reported truancy was speculation. This was yet another adult who claimed they were being helpful spreading a tale. This child is in Varsity track and is very good at it. If she cut classes or fail any of her classes, she cannot compete. She had in fact cut band practice several times to take her track clothes to the field house. On one occasion she met a male student and they walked together. An assistant principal saw her and they e-mailed me. I then told her if she did that again, I would take her out of track and put her into regular PE. I know that she is very passionate about track, therefore I thought the ides of losing it would be enough of a deterrent. It turned out it was. After hearing that she had cut class again, I sent a note to her vice Principal. I asked her to please look into the matter for me. The teacher whose class my daughter supposedly cut did not know what the principal was referring to. She had been attending all her class...

Difficult Truth

Life for us is extremely busy. In general my life is consumed with meeting the needs of my children. Sometimes that entails dealing with getting them what they need or correcting negative behaviors. Likewise, my husband’s life is consumed by his job and community involvement. Lately, he has not been doing any community-service, neither have I. Having six teenagers has been considerably more difficult in comparison to having five children under five. When I first adopted four of my daughters they were ages one to four. I had a birth son at the time that was a year old. In those early days of having my family, I was always on the edge. There was no down time for me. My husband worked five days a week and on Saturdays would go to our church to practice with the worship team. Many times after rehearsal, he would take care of his personal needs. On Sundays, we would attend church. Sunday, which I regard as a day of rest, was more a day of stress for me also. It was my sole responsibil...