Wrongly Accused

As it turned out my daughter reported truancy was speculation. This was yet another adult who claimed they were being helpful spreading a tale. This child is in Varsity track and is very good at it. If she cut classes or fail any of her classes, she cannot compete. She had in fact cut band practice several times to take her track clothes to the field house. On one occasion she met a male student and they walked together. An assistant principal saw her and they e-mailed me. I then told her if she did that again, I would take her out of track and put her into regular PE. I know that she is very passionate about track, therefore I thought the ides of losing it would be enough of a deterrent. It turned out it was.

After hearing that she had cut class again, I sent a note to her vice Principal. I asked her to please look into the matter for me. The teacher whose class my daughter supposedly cut did not know what the principal was referring to. She had been attending all her classes and had been staying in them all period. The principal said that the coach saw the fellow in the hallway and gave him a warning. He then told him that he had better not be cutting class to be with my daughter. She then warned my daughter. The incident got back to me that my daughter was cutting classes with a boy. It was all gossip based on the first incident.

I was greatly disappointed. I told her that she should no longer associate with that person, if he was encouraging her to skip classes. I also went on to say that she needed to pick friends that have the same values as she has. My children tend to pick friends that they can ethnically identify with. Some holds to the same standard as I do while most do not. This child had once skipped a proficiency exam because she went to watch a movie with a girl she knew since grade school. I know that child and her family and they seem like fairly decent people. They on the other hand do not push their children to excel academically. At the elementary school level this child was partnered with my daughter on a school project. No effort was made on her parent’s part for her to work on the project with my daughter. She ended up doing the project alone and presenting it alone. The other child was a no show on the day of the presentation.

I try to encourage my children to form relationship with the other teens at our church. They however, feel that they have nothing in common with most of those because they are home schooled. So it would appear that there remains a barrier in our place of worship for them. It could be more psychological or perhaps a very real problem. I know from personal experience how difficult it can be for people to be loving and accepting regardless of differences. Perhaps as I am trying to impart the lesson of choosing friends of equal values, other parents are teaching something else that is fortifying these walls. I know my intent is not for them to totally separate themselves but I want my kids to align themselves with others who have the same goals so that they would have support. Not friends who encourage them to make foolish choices.


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