
We do not live in a flawless world, and things are not always the way we want them to be. We Photoshop flaws and conceal and hide inadequacy. Yet, this is not a perfect world. We can accept that but little else.

Yesterday, I attended a family therapy session with my daughter. I listened as she talked about her insecurities. It broke my heart. She voiced her fears of not being able to pick up her life from where it was interrupted. As if we would like to hide her away. That is not the case at all. She is my daughter, and I love her. I found the circumstances that got us here, very discouraging. Being forced to listen has caused me to be empathetic. I cannot say that any of this has been gratifying. It is much easier to do away with troublesome issues, pretend that all is well. After all, we live in a Photoshop world, we cover true beauty. Yet if, it were not for trying times, I would never write. As I thought of her today I wrote:

Why can’t you see?
I have a gaping wound!
It is oozing.
Draining life and contentment,
There is nothing but ugliness.
My flaws blatantly lead.
Making a mockery of who I am.
So I do, and hide. I didn’t want this!
Just love, acceptance, forgiveness.
The Photoshop beauty that’s on display.
Not my imperfection, just the cover girl.
Perfection on parade all will read and hear;
See the girl that was once me.

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