The Way You Were!

What is it about you,
That causes me to stop
Momentarily to ponder,
Reflect on the memories
Of your smile, playfulness,
Your seriousness, dedication
Insecurity and lastly disappointments?

Those are all the memories I have of you!
A quick hug that only I can remember.
Know for you, it did not register.
Yet it was what I needed that day.
Your boyishness cradled with your insecurity.
Wish, I had then shared my apprehensions with you.
Just did not know quite what to say.
Young women aren’t supposed to be easy.
But I am yet to find a man that follows
The Cinderella story line, seem foreign to me.
Although, I considered you my Prince
Not even in my imagination are you the same.
And I have true pleasant images of the way you were.


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