A one of a Kind Love!

I was so struck. I never forgot!
How could I? I knew passion.
It was the fulfillment
That triggered my heart.
My thoughts to react as though I won.
I held a precious diamond medallion.
Word can never explain, or express,
My mind could never have imagined this.
It was the contentment I knew
Felt when it graced my presence.
I smiled and lifted my head with the hopes
That this was truly mine, my heart reacted,
By leaping with my chest, pounded for joy,
All when infront of the beauty that was you.
As I extend my hand, I offered myself.
My soul rested, not anything
Could tamper with what I had in you.
Neither could it be duplicated or repeated.
A blessing, worth holding unto.
Money or fame could have never bestow this.
Dare I let go of my once in a life time love?
Who or what could drive me to throw this away?
I in return held ever so closely to my once in a life time love.


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