I wanted her!

Like I’m a gravy bowl
My lady love emptied my pockets out.
Using me for bread and butter
But not treating me like her lover.
I did not want to stop her.
With all that I have, I wanted her.

I maybe all tapped out,
Without a doubt
She remains, the one, I loved.
Would do anything for her
All I wanted was to be with her.

I would be lost without my firecracker love.
As much as she was a stormy lover,
Who knocked me over like bad weather.
I would always choose her
I wanted to live with none other than her.
With all that I am, I still wanted her.

Many ask why I tolerate her.
If I aware, she is a selfish lover,
And was only in it for my money?
If that was true,
I still get to spend time with her.
Whatever her reasons, I wanted her.


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