Panhandling in LA

This is going to be my year.
Am going Big or Homeless.
The poet I met agrees,
it might also be hers.
In this City filled with dreams.
Met her in the streets,
asked her for a dollar.
She questioned me.
A hip hop artist! Are you for real?
Panhandling in Los Angeles.
Trying to get by each day and the week.
A producer's recording my music for free.
I'll either make it big or go homeless.
She said, she wanted one thing of me,
as she handed me the money.
I was to give her a shout out. 'N I agreed.
Posted a photo on instagram, but didn't mention her.
Panhandling in Los Angeles.
Trying to get by each day and the week.
A producer's recording my music for free.
I'll either make it big or go homeless.
But this is going to be my year.
Things has started to happen.
Everyone will soon hear my music,
And perhaps get to know that poet.


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