
Showing posts from December, 2015

Season Greeting

It's the day after Christmas, Not a sound can be heard. All who visited put a smile on my face. Enjoyed their presence was grateful they came. Felt appreciated and loved by them. The same was happening world wide. People appreciating others, they stand besides, took the time to make that clear. One day set aside out of an entire year, Would come again in another 365 days. Season Greetings All Purchase my poetry ebook by selecting this link

A Legacy of Poetry

Wish I could awaken a smile as she, aim to keep her pace. Trot along like a child, tugging at mother's waist, focusing on her. Her words encourages, ring true. Story telling ability lingers, gave us cause to listen. She's quoted frequently, circles the world wide web, testament of her influence. Her wisdom, Poetry read by many for decades. "Oh pray my wings are gonna fit me well. Give me a cool drink of water fore I diie. She's gone, still she lives. I read some more,  Shaker why don't you sing? The beauty she expressin admired, rhythm's in all she said. Aspired to be, rise as she. Wish more would follow, be as strong, reflect light on situation. Express for improvement, dissipate fear, repair hurt, spread love, stifle messages of hatred. Become an American Ambassador through poetry, writing, Like Maya Angelou and fan, Ruth Garnes hopes to do, be known for messages of peace. Buy my poetry ebook by selecting...

Desire Keeps me strong.

The longing of my soul, my burning desire pushes me to accomplish. Every day I awake they're real. Without realization they persists, embedded in my mind, I don't ask if God forgot, or wonder why others has done what I have not? I stay focus and work daily towards it. The sun and moon rise and set from the same direction for years. Why should I waiver? My desire keeps me strong. So when I fail, I keep improving, work diligently at all I wish to accomplish. select this link to buy my book of poems

Let's Stand United!

Awake my friends, give thanks. Show appreciation for this Land. Let terror see we are not affected. Lets stand together, appreciate not reject each other. love and kindness impact's greater Than all negative messages. Can demolish the battle field. Let's continue not only in sorrow to put aside differences, all times Assist fallen heroes, others we didn't know. cry along side family and strangers, but on a daily basis, let our legacy live on. Go along with our constitution. Aid and embrace others in time of need. Let's continue to stand United. select this link to buy my e-book of poems

Tribute to America and Paris

It's a great time to be alive, Though many live in fear.   From the ashes we'll rise. lather in the good that's here.   We'll build up, stand up, Keep up and defy terror,   Until all realize violence is A foolish way to be recognized.   Paris will continue to be, A place lovers wish to be, dream   and walk together in love until they reach great heights like the Eiffel tower,   Dine there on fine delicacies served with wine and baguette.   America also will flourish, Remain free and strong Because God is its foundation.   This land of peace is no one's enemy. And is as its citizens believes, A place where any can live, love and flourish. Select this link and buy my ebook the cry of our children

Better on my own

The door to love is closed And it won't be opened to him again. The door to love is closed, to one person. Time after time I keep telling myself. I'm better off on my own, not pining for him.   It's difficult to love someone. Who is never there when I need him. One who shows up to enjoy my achievement. For my light to be reflected on him. I don’t want that kind of love or friend.   I question such actions again and again. Choke back tears for I know the answer. I don't want to be within reach of this person. Console myself by saying; I'm better off without him.   His reason for avoiding me no longer matters. I see his ways as unloving. Though I've wondered many times, I’m letting go. And I'm through with wanting to know.   The Cry of our Children can be down loaded for free with Kindle Unlimited select this link to buy my book of poems

Be aware

Hatred as drizzle, Chisels at human souls.   Contrives a crevice to separate them, Deceives and ensnares its surroundings.   Fear and heartache are its weapons, Vindictiveness the float it parades on.   Discouragement its cathartic instruction, Defeating the strongest of men.   Wears masks of love, protection, guardian, not an enemy but a friend.   Many are its victims: Those with opinions, The faithful, most vulnerable,   It demolishes and wounds people. Nations crumble to devastation.   Hatred’s robust, yet uplifts no one.   Constantly without regret, awards wrong, Inflicts, curses its very subjects,   Most destructive weapon to exist. Be aware though iron sharpens iron. Love wins over hate, Hate leads to despair But love's the foundation of peace. select this linke to purchase my ebook

Be Inspired by Thruth

Search and find it. Though the choice of many Directed by fear don't follow, question and understand, Look beyond surfaces, don't be easily convinced. Like David did,  face Goliath, Your battle is not a solitary one. The God of might will fight Win the battle. He'll not allow you to be defeated. for more great poetry select this link

A Picture of Love

Love doesn't hesitate. Look the other way. It stays, comforts, Is compassionate. Cares about  issues. and best of all sticks with you.     Link to my ebook on

Love me don't beat me

Don’t hit me , treat me like a lady. Listen to what I’m saying. Hitting games I’m not playing. I don’t deserve to be kissed with a fist. ‘N I’m leaving if you insist. Or thinks you’re my father.   You haven’t been good to me lately. ‘N haven’t looked at me affectionately. Or have you touched me romantically. And tender touching works for me. Hitting is insane and plain cruelty. Who would even believe my story? That I wasn’t looking for shame or glory. But a love that’s satisfactory. But I struggled with you daily. So I told them what they refuse to see. My smile and laughter covered the truth. But the mean things you said and did wasn’t cute. You made life difficult from our youth. I’m done covering up for you. 'Cause you don't know how to love a lady.   link to my ebook on


The returns on giving is greater Than on receiving, Doesn't matter who are assisting. In so doing many entertained angels without realizing. The benefit isn't always clear or immediate but do for others for the joy or it, Not for the returns but out of love. Be blessed by the reward of your own generosity.   “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, Do you do for those who can't repay you? To ensure your own success, simply do 1,000 times more for others than they do for you.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

Spam box

I cried for you today. Sitting alone on a park bench in London while you're in the States. Emailed you every day, Not once have you responded. It's hard loving but not being a recipient. My emails went to your spam box. You didn't read or retrieve it. There's no excuse or fix for that. If I call you'll probably hang up. I understand my fixation, But not your behavior. Still I miss you, but my pride's greater And does not allow me to call either. read more of my poetry for free by selecting the read for free link on

Desired and Treasured

I want you to be apart of me. Not because of how you're perceived The person I know you to be. I see you as lovely. One whose desired and treasured.

Hello Sunshine

Hello sunshine, Your warmth is appreciated Especially on cold days. Your light sparkle on waves, Brighten the entire world. But deliver moderate rays, hold back, though we wish to soak you in, but too much of you damages skin, causes us to appear aged. But all things in moderation, whether good or bad is a lot better.