Love me don't beat me

Don’t hit me, treat me like a lady.
Listen to what I’m saying.

Hitting games I’m not playing.
I don’t deserve to be kissed with a fist.

‘N I’m leaving if you insist.
Or thinks you’re my father.

You haven’t been good to me lately.
‘N haven’t looked at me affectionately.

Or have you touched me romantically.
And tender touching works for me.

Hitting is insane and plain cruelty.

Who would even believe my story?
That I wasn’t looking for shame or glory.

But a love that’s satisfactory.
But I struggled with you daily.

So I told them what they refuse to see.

My smile and laughter covered the truth.
But the mean things you said and did wasn’t cute.

You made life difficult from our youth.
I’m done covering up for you.

'Cause you don't know how to love a lady.

link to my ebook on


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