Our Loss is Heavens Gain

A friend of mine passed away yesterday. We never met in person but she shared her intent and musical gift with me.

The internet has a way to bring people together and though you might never meet them in person the bond is as real.

People at times makes great strides on the internet and others lose their hearts. In this case I feel the lost of a person I've never met, as if we had met.

I got introduced to Jennifer Dlomo through a woman who knew her from a child. Jennifer was the director of a South African children choir. Later she produced music for South African musicians.

I had been battered and bruised by life. I was born with a check two gene that causes breast, thyroid, and colorectal cancer. I had breast surgery in 2011 and later developed brain tumors in 2015.  And it was anxiety from these struggles that is the root of my creativity.

I spend a huge amount of time writing and going to the doctor. While attending a pain management program at the Mayo clinic, I met one woman who introduced me to the woman who introduced me to Jennifer.

This all came about because of my sharing with her the songs I had written to deal with my thoughts of my medical issues.

I shared my  heart desires to do something to enable South African women to climb out of poverty with Jennifer Dolomo.

She was open to my desire and we agreed to record one of my song lyrics believing that an all English song would help her singer break into the American market and that success would enable her to help others.

An initial recording of my song lyric was done but all the kinks were not worked out.

Then two days ago I emailed to find out how Jennifer was.  I learned that she was gravely ill. She passed on yesterday from a stage 4 cancer.

She was a brilliant musician and I want to introduce Reedivah Da Queen to you. She is the singer Jennifer was trying to promote.  Reedivah is an extremely talented  singer. Here is a Link to her Le boom boom song that was produced by Jennifer Dolomo.

Thank you for reading and Please share the link



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