That Which is Most Important

In my book fantasy controversy or my reality, I thanked my parents for protecting me from the harsh reality of life. This morning I am reconsidering those words. In keeping me sheltered, they inhibited me. As a parent, I know they did their best. I am reconsidering my words because, as a result, I was unnecessarily cautious, at times when there was no need. Then, there were times when I trusted the wrong people. To say, I was naive would be a gross exaggeration. People, I once thought as friends, as a mature person, I can now see their craftiness or self serving intentions for seeking my friendship. Although, I was aware that there were evil in his world, I failed to see error as the motivator.

As I mentioned before, I was truly an obedient child. I did my best to satisfy my parents. Today, I see that as being dishonest to myself. There is no joy to be had from living to gratify others. Honoring and respecting ones parent’s is always the right thing to do. There is, however, a time when one becomes an adult and should then mature into being independent minded. For many years, I allowed my mother to guide my actions. When I became a mother, I resented that. At times, she continued to assert her ideas on me and did not appear to know when she needed to be a friend instead of a parent. I now regard this as error on her part.

In my current situation, even though I sheltered my children, I sent them to public school. This was not because I wanted to do this but because of financing. In my heart I felt that the environment in a Christian school would have been more ideal than public schooling. Only one of my children attended private school. That was with the most excellent of reason. Although, I must say that most of them have done well enough in the public school arena.

When the one child got to the level where she could attend high school, we thought her mature enough and sent her to public high school. That was an error on our part, hence today; I have trouble I never knew existed. This girl gravitated towards lasciviousness. Now that, she is in residential Treatment, I am learning of the things she was involved in.

It was, in fact, this particular girl that caused me to reflect on my life, and enabled to see that some individuals I had trusted in the past were not to be trusted. For most of my life, I was respected by my friends, family, colleague and people in general. Out of disrespect for me and my way of life and from seeking her own way, this child has slandered my character. It was never in my awareness that such depravity existed. With this new awareness, however, as I reflect on others who have crossed my path. My parents were trying to save me from hurt and from being taken advantage of. I was not aware of how selfish and misdirected people can be, and this I needed to know. Protection can be a praiseworthy thing. In not knowing how evil people can truly be, this can cause a person to be taken advantage of.

I know that there is some conservative Christian that continues to keep their children sheltered within Christian groups. While one may not want to expose one’s child to the evils of this world, at some point they need to be made aware that these things do exist. They also need to be mindful that error does live among them too. When one becomes comfortable, and let their guard down that is sometimes when tragedy sometimes strikes. There are predators and covetous individuals in every group of people.

Paul told Timothy not to let anyone despise his youth. Today I will say, do not let anyone despise your morals, your choices, the way you chose to live. Live not to gratify others but God first and yourself, in doing so that is where you will find true contentment. Whatever opinion evil intented individual has of you is not relevant. What is most noteworthy is that your intentions are honest and just.

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