
Only for grief and sorrow you chose me.
To give life long love, joy, hope, the best in life,
You chose another in the prime of life.
As you betrayed and turned your back on me.
In your continued deceit, will take advantage of me.
As I grieve because of all that was taken.
Knowing that humiliation and hurt was given.
For in my illness and despair you refused to care.
As you wrapped your arms around another;
How could I forget how truly cruel you are?
IF my spirit, my heart, disappoints me
By turning to you again for help, I deserve
All the shame, rejection and difficult times I faced.
I'd see myself as not having learned and willfully stupid.
Even your promises seem worthless.
As were your claims that citizenship was a gift.
Are you purposefully deceitful or honestly so clueless?
For that, came at an enormously high price to me.
Because of all this, I abhor you more than you did me.
Are you capable of telling or revealing the truth?

Desparity Number 2

The impossibility of my leaving forced me to stay.
Stirring up anger and hatred for your ways.
The extent of your selfishness, I can’t explain.
For your promises are twice as cruel as your ways.
As to the things, you have done,
Dishonoring me, even through, your claims of love.
For that exact reason, I am declining your peace.
That is not uplifting but more of a curse to me.
For all, I desire is behind me, for whats a head,
To me is a disgrace. I now long never to see your face.
As mine keep changing as I age, I am profoundly displeased.
Although, through my image, I am reminded of all you did.
Depriving and continuously refusing the fundamentals
That gives peace, contentment and happiness,
Even to the most deprive of human beings.


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