After my adventurous weekend home alone, I flew out to meet my family for five days at Virginia Beach. I think this was meant to be a pleasant week. Although the first day was pretty fun, we bicycled for about two hours after that we played in the water a bit and lay in the sand. The next day was quite different. One of my daughters woke up with a swollen cheek. After checking with our insurance for providers in that area, I took her to a quick care at a CVS drugs store. When we got there, it was staffed with a nurse practitioner who felt this was beyond his scope of practice. With that, we took her to an emergency room. It turned out that she had an abscess. She had oral surgery about a month before. She was prescribed antibiotics and pain medication at the time of her surgery. Immediately following the surgery I gave her the medication. When she was better, I instructed her to take the medicine until it was finished. I kept asking her in the days that ensued, if he had taken the me...