
Showing posts from July, 2011


After my adventurous weekend home alone, I flew out to meet my family for five days at Virginia Beach. I think this was meant to be a pleasant week. Although the first day was pretty fun, we bicycled for about two hours after that we played in the water a bit and lay in the sand. The next day was quite different. One of my daughters woke up with a swollen cheek. After checking with our insurance for providers in that area, I took her to a quick care at a CVS drugs store. When we got there, it was staffed with a nurse practitioner who felt this was beyond his scope of practice. With that, we took her to an emergency room. It turned out that she had an abscess. She had oral surgery about a month before. She was prescribed antibiotics and pain medication at the time of her surgery. Immediately following the surgery I gave her the medication. When she was better, I instructed her to take the medicine until it was finished. I kept asking her in the days that ensued, if he had taken the me...

Hold Me.

I love this music video. It echos my sentiment. The words are beautiful, and one day, I wish to be able to eloquently express myself like this. For that reason I am choosing to share it with you.

Home Alone

The adventures of my days are never ending. I longed for a moment of peace and serenity. When I finally got what I wished for as nightfall came, I got scared. With that, I turned our house alarm on before going to bed. Living in an equestrian Community was my idea of the ideal place to live. It is quiet and beautiful, and the houses are not right up on each other. Having 3 acres of land, I think we have the smallest, lot out here. The houses are not within vocal range. The properties range from about 3 acres to about 11 acres, in size. Most people live here so as to have the freedom to be close to a big City, also the luxury of country living. I chose to live here because I have a large family and could not find a suitable house to accommodate my family. We purchase the property, sat on it for about two years before we finally build on it. Although our first four bedroom house was terribly cramped, I liked it but realistically, it was not working. I was extremely frazzled when my h...

Be Strong and Hold on.

If in believing others, you are deceived. Don't let them label you an Eve. When they fail to see their wrong. Just walk away and be strong. Fools will always let you down. But truth will one day win out. Even when it is hidden, Stand up and be strong, move on. When the one that is supposed to love you, Turned away and leave, instead of giving in, Look up and say, I have reason to fight and win. I just need to be strong and move on. Letting go may be hard to do. Holding on a lot easier, for a few. when your heart is breaking in two. You can get through, you have to. Just hold on , stay strong, and move on. Get a copy of my e-book by selecting this link

Unique Connection.

The unspoken connection of two As if the heavens made them suitable, perseveres even when others interferes, Is untouchable, can be seen by a stranger’s eyes, A nod of the head or a friendly smile. The comfort of a touch, a wink, grin, displayed when together or while passing by. Unique human connections persists never fades, can be recaptured, Even with the passing of time, stays intact as if born to fit, or until they die. for my poetry e-book select this link


With my back turned, head bowed, Thoughts mostly of you, I guardedly desired to Do nothing but stare, Point blank at you. Troubled by my anxious thoughts, Doubts, longings, I kept looking over. Yet, dared not turn around. Not sure of what would be worse, You’re leaving, simply refusing or abandoning me. Are you here? Do you actually still love? I think you do, I am revealing a lot, Despite my fears, I want to keep my head up, Turn around, give us a try but I'm preparing to run. Visit for more on the Author.


You currently are not, what you will be. Knowing that is the key to overcoming Daily oppositions that often disgraces. Understanding and appreciation this Will one day change views of all of it. Although, now it is a little bewildering, You will be blessed with anew awareness. Difficult concepts will become crystal clear. Things hidden can be considered lost or forgotten, Yet the fact is they still exist, although unseen. Like the bearer, of truth that carries liberty with him. Do not lose sight of who you are, hold unto your identity. Contrary to a person who has lived life behind a mask. When he is unveiled, he loses all his appeal. Triumphant you be because unmasked you were, And your lovely character will be seen as pristine

The Condition of Man!

It was all I imagined it to be and more. You standing there waiting for me. The joy in my heart, and beam in my eyes; Could have lighted a thousand skies. The one in a million I chose to love, Was the only one who genuinely loved me. The only one I bowed to, I will run to meet. No other will I ever chose to in this manner greet. The busy bustling of a city street, honking cars People from around the world live and visit here. Yet there was only one who dared to care for me. At the airport, he stood alone by the revolving carousel. I must have for a thousand years chose to sleep, For it had been years before the realization hit me. My Lover, my husband, my friend, my significant other, All those things you are, the love I want to know and keep.   Visit for more on the Author.

Ambition took My place

At first I was not aware, but I searched and searched, Mostly my head; looking for answers To identify the woman I was and now am. Knowing with certainty from where and whom, I came from. I was confused as to the reason; I was left here alone, given up, Separated from the one whom I am apart of. Supposed I was set free. The reason, I looked back I wanted and needed to know. Why I was, abandoned, Why did you simply let go of me. Then refused to acknowledge, that I ever exist. Why to me no concern by you was ever shown? I was over come with grief. Yet over and over you claimed to have loved me. With words only words, contrary to your actions, Behaviors, I see a person, whose choices was motivated, Driven by self, not directed by wholesomeness, Opposite to your claims, this was not for me. Your idea of support was to bestow on me, Your desires, not loyalty, honesty and commitment. You have chosen not to defend, protect, feed, shelter, carry, But to place me where ...

My Perspective.

I would disagree with the statement that all men came into this world on equal footing. It is my contention that this is not so for all children. That children born to individuals with issues are disadvantage. Depending on the circumstances, some may need more help than the average child. This is generally the case with children that were abandoned or abused. Any persons contemplating parenting a child with the above history need to be fully aware that it is extremely difficult and as equally demanding. I personally believe in my situation, that I gave my children my all. From seeking support for learning, behavioral and emotional issues to just being mom. As unique as my children are and the fact that they learn differently, I would fill in the difference whenever necessary. This meant that I tutored them. When my youngest daughter was competing in high jumping, and could not grasp the concept, I demonstrated it for her. This past school year learning that she had competed success...

Love Vs Pleasure

We act out of fear, not that we do not care. Who truly knows what’s in a man’s heart. If true love occupies it or if want drives it? Is He looking for treasure or simply pleasure? As a woman, knowing that I am valued; Loved and appreciated by my man, is what works. Uncertainty is the best way to get rid of me. It causes insecurity, reason for me to leave. I know love, but I also know deceit. A deceiver’s approach and hunting tricks, Where there is no reason to stick with it. Where happiness is fleeting and ends in pain. In Love, true love, there is no hurt, it is all gain.   Visit for more on the Author.

Actions and Purpose are Different.

Anticipation of the surreal. One man’s treasure, Another’s deficient measure. Faulty vision, lacking in ambition, All gives way to potential or restriction. The aptitude to do, acquire and encourage. What one in a long term manages only to hold. Another in a real short term flowers and grows. While one watches as life unfolds Active is the other pursing, attaining,  Setting, accomplishing not only his goals But motivates others to accomplish and thrive. This separates the nurturer from the oppressor. The settlers from the innovator, leader from follower. Delinquent from the responsible, not only does the purpose, Differs, so does the perspective, and willingness to change. An innovator not only possesses foresight, they cultivate ideas. Making them a reality, and not only their own, but others as well. Which select few would do and that is the difference between you. Visit for more on the Author.

The Obscurity Of Truth.

More pertinent is it to take hold of the truth, Than to go on believing in a lie that is untruth. To pretend that the obvious or clear is hidden. That when secrets are finally revealed in heaven, Those that were cared for would have been forbidden. Even the anonymity of the deserted wife would be known. Of the wonderful, the one who sits on the throne. To her whom love and care was withheld not shown, Will be portrayed as highly honored and all will then know. Is this what is actually written, that all would be forgiven? That although abandonment was purposefully given, It would be worth it, for even though deserted, honor awaits, A humbling lesson given her, by the Master, and King of heaven.

Love Song

If you were to write me a love song, Would it reflect passion or pain? Would it be a lonely country beat? Or a ballad that is sultry and sweet? Would it be of victory? Or a friendship that is history? Would you be mine or I left behind? If you were to write me a love song, Would it be number one? Or the jingle, you never began? If you were to write me a love song, That would be a magnificent day. I'd listen keenly to all you had to say. I would read it, cherish it in every way. Visit for more on the Author.

Thinking About You.

In the last few days, I think of you always. I feel in some ways as impossible as it is to hold; That your spirit is a constant companion, like no other. It sticks closer to me than any of my sisters or brothers. Yet you are not physically present, we are worlds apart. Equivalent to a phantom friend, or an imaginary tale; The impression left within my chest is difficult to impart. That, the one who is now afar, occupies my heart and thoughts. I honestly do not care only to be expressing ideas from my head. Wanting not only for you to be visible, but attached to me instead. In order, that I can be strengthen, to rise above discouragement. Knowing that with my beloved, I can have a favorable end. Visit for more on the Author.

Hope, Faith and Love.

Hope is expecting that you will attain, That there is no losing, it is all gains. The passing of time and discouragement, Lends to disbelief and abandonment. Although yesterday’s gone the possibility Still exists but only if you stick with it. Faith is confidence, throwing all doubt aside. Trusting even when things are unclear or confusing. Owning it as truth, when others are refusing. Accepting what is unclearly written as literal. It is also claiming what may seem impossible to achieve Because in the possibility you sincerely believe. Love is known as the greatest virtue of all. It is very true that genuine love never desists. It is there for all seasons or struggles whether, Winter, spring, summer or fall, not only in fair weather, Or in prosperous times, it never ceases but always persists. And love always wins over all. Visit for more on the Author.

When Will These Things Be?

By a spoken word, it was, by teaching you will understand. Things that were forgotten, pushed aside, will be. Tragedy brought many to their knees, blessed you. And many will be pleased by the unification. Questions are carefully and gently being answered. Eventually the mystery of God will be revealed, All your uncertainty would  subside and in doing so; Truth will be clear, whether we do or don't believe. As to a date or time, I cannot say, but cheer up. The future is here, these things will soon become crystal clear. Visit for more on the Author.

A Matter of Time!

Loved walked in, and anxiety ran out. Shyness without a doubt evaporated There was every indication, no question That respect were calling, screaming, Assurance, Please! Get the message out. Perhaps one day, joy will stand up and say, There was no need to have ever feared. Love, assuredly did care, will reunite. Abolish your fears. For there’s purpose, Hope, if you believe and it will be so. Righteousness and justice will announce the end. Grace is in charge, and by the order of the day, Charity will win and lead the way. Mercy would have made the difference Restoring what was lost, at no penalty or cost. Visit for more on the Author.

Poem of The Day. Photo from the Past.

When she came, she saw the possibility of a different life. With a faint blush, in her face and passion in her eyes; She sat musing over the prospect that once reflected on his face. Filled with memories of the past, the impression that they were interested. Yet had taken leave of each other; her to pursue her dreams, He to conquer many worlds, to build himself an empire. What was it about this place, that ambition, Not desire, cannot change? With its entire splendor, endless possibilities, It was the ordinary that beckoned her. That which drives us, we do and are a hindrance too. That which she pursued eventually engulfed, Captured and defeated her. The magnificent of a wealthy country had become Nothing more than a prison. Held captive by what she chose to do, Even her love, had convicted her. His silence, her own thoughts, Placed her in a stationary solitary place. Visit for more on the Author.

A Question Of Love!

As unique Individuals, we all have our own way by which we express and receive love. We demonstrate love differently, and interpret various acts as indicative of love. This is usually determined by our culture, up bringing and beliefs. One can pursue the object of their passion and never convey that message of love. If our actions are not received as loving, how would the other know, or realize that they are truly loved by another? Yet because, as human, we are flawed, the way we love is not perfect, but precise affection dispels myth or cast out fear. If I told you that, I loved you, Then deliberately put all before you. Why would you continue blindly to trust me? Would my words not be insincere? Would may actions not disappoint And discourage just about anyone? Would it not be mere madness, or foolishness If you kept hoping and holding on? If I was rude and spoke disrespectfully to you, How could any fault you, if you chose to ignore me, All I then had to say, ...

Single but Not Alone!

When I was an unmarried woman I gave no thought or did I put any value on the time I spent by myself. As a nurse, I worked twelve hour shifts, and when I got back to my apartment, my desire was for sleep not companionship. When I was first married my husband worked from 7 am until 3pm. I worked from 3pm until 11:30 pm. One of his coworker once joked that this was the reason our marriage was working. I felt a little slighted by the comment. I had honestly never given any thought to the fact that we were only literally sleeping together. My husband’s presences made me secure and fulfilled my desire to be with someone. It was working for me because, at that time, that was what I needed. Prior to being married I lived for almost 4 years on my own. While the majority of my time was spent in the presence of many others, at the end of the day, I retreated to my solitary space. The companionship I had from my coworkers was enough. Generally, I always had friends, but not intimacy, so t...