Actions and Purpose are Different.

Anticipation of the surreal.

One man’s treasure,
Another’s deficient measure.
Faulty vision, lacking in ambition,
All gives way to potential or restriction.
The aptitude to do, acquire and encourage.
What one in a long term manages only to hold.
Another in a real short term flowers and grows.

While one watches as life unfolds
Active is the other pursing, attaining, 
Setting, accomplishing not only his goals
But motivates others to accomplish and thrive.
This separates the nurturer from the oppressor.
The settlers from the innovator, leader from follower.
Delinquent from the responsible, not only does the purpose,
Differs, so does the perspective, and willingness to change.
An innovator not only possesses foresight, they cultivate ideas.
Making them a reality, and not only their own, but others as well.
Which select few would do and that is the difference between you.

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