Ambition took My place

At first I was not aware, but I searched and searched,
Mostly my head; looking for answers
To identify the woman I was and now am.
Knowing with certainty from where and whom, I came from.
I was confused as to the reason; I was left here alone, given up,
Separated from the one whom I am apart of.
Supposed I was set free. The reason, I looked back
I wanted and needed to know. Why I was, abandoned,
Why did you simply let go of me.
Then refused to acknowledge, that I ever exist.

Why to me no concern by you was ever shown?
I was over come with grief.
Yet over and over you claimed to have loved me.
With words only words, contrary to your actions,
Behaviors, I see a person, whose choices was motivated,
Driven by self, not directed by wholesomeness,
Opposite to your claims, this was not for me.
Your idea of support was to bestow on me,
Your desires, not loyalty, honesty and commitment.
You have chosen not to defend, protect, feed, shelter, carry,
But to place me where none would know or see.
I was the one that was truly set apart from you,
Not for love but purely your Ambition, I was replaced.
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