Justice vs Restitution!

Who they call noble and good
Hide the ugly truth.
People do not go around
Casting blame or devils
Out of those kind of people.
Best keep your mouth shut!
Do not go telling stories of men
The community chose as leaders.
Those men sins are buried.
At times behind closed doors.
Or they are what are called skeletons.
Which are kept in closets, not seen in public.
Decent girls do not go telling tales.
Neither do they speak freely or do as they wish.
They accept the fate life’s cast to them
Know what their beliefs and faith says.
All will be forgiven so there would be
A minute chance that they will get justice.
A better chance of acquiring quiet restitution.
Good will continued to be view the same.
Especially if there are lots of money behind it.
May as well stand in line and acquire some.
For there is no honor in publicly claiming violation.
Society highly regards wealth and position,
Not irreverent claims against a highly esteemed person.


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