The City Not Angel!

It is of the City, he writes and speaks.
It is of the city for the angel he did not intend to keep.
The City he destroyed, but resurrected time and time again.
The angel, he rejects and inflicts throughout her existence.
The City kept its name, removed hers and every trace of her.
The city he restored, the angel made desolate and hopeless.
The city he loved, not so for the angel, for her he hated.
Lashing out and humiliating her for he intended to rid himself of her.
The whore he chose, he adorned and loved her score more.
Gave her a home all that the world offered and so much more.
Pledge his love and vowed to her, as daily he stands along side her.
For the angel remains in the ruins he tossed her in from the beginning.
As most of the world now stand by the King and sing alleluia.
Who knew, cares, wants anything more than to use and banish her.


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