
Showing posts from December, 2012

Song of my Heart!

I would honestly do The impossible for you. For I'd rather you'd be happy., Than believe I do not care about you. I’ll give my time, share with you. Sit, walk, talk, if you want me to. Even if it interrupts my plans For you are my number one. White sandy beaches, all that I love. Chocolate covered candy or another. Could not make me happy, If you believe, I do not care about you.

The Evil one won!

I lost my life To an apparent liar. A cheater stole all That was mine. Not because of her But what he did. She can keep it Not only for now But for all eternity. I wish to remember But not to have regrets For all this resulted In a difficulty life for me. Hurtful, and humiliating events scared; sucked joy, The actions of the one that was to love and protect me. I ask myself several times how could I return. Would I have lost my mind, memory of the devastation? I listen weekly to all these fool as they extol him. Their example, if only they knew, I pity and resent them, as well. It was all him, he used his spirt to bring about all of this. How could I claim that it was me, he loved? That would be rather stupid of me!

A quiet Place!

I wish to be in a place Where I can live in peace. I’d relax and not remember All that afflicted me. My mind would then be content, For I would have been removed From the hypocrite, I reside with is extremely rude. Nothing more than the devil’s tool, That fool destroyed all that meant the world to me. How could my light ever be seen, when I am like this? Nothing but mere agony I feel consistently. Even those, who were to protect me has taken leave. I question myself, I wonder, why I would forget. Or return when I asked for assistance. Instead of helping, all simply ignored me.

All I ever Wanted

Don’t want to let her go. I will not make excuses Or hurt her anymore. I will show her that I’ll never leave. Even though, initially I did, Now, I know that she was all I wanted. I see her in the starlight. As I lay awake in bed at night. In all I chose to do, I think of her. I hear her crying and calling out to me. In my longings and broken dreams. I know she was all that I wanted. The starlight, streetlight None can out shine or be as bright As the one I miss at night. I need to see her, tell her Everything will be alright. I want her back in my life. For she was all I ever wanted.

My Exit!

I exited the stage, the platform of life. I had followed my dreams, learned a few things. I did what I loved most as opposed to the logical things. An excellent performance both on and off stage. That was me, just not who I finally became. I lost myself in my craft and in my needs and desires. First for my sake, then for my audience. I found myself trapped by what I thought, I wanted. Much too late, I realize there was not anything I could do. The show was still on, the program still airing. Many came to see, but my most desired. I was sorely disappointed, once an attractive woman, I lost my edge. I stepped in the hallway feeling unsure, insecure but knew; My mind was saying I placed emphasis on the wrong things. As exhilarating as being on stage was that also had become unsatisfying.

I stood Alone!

I looked back, Found all I wanted. It was behind, in front, waiting. Still only a dream, my vision My fantasy of who I thought he was. Sorrow stared me in the face but once. Happiness, I saw from a distance. Could not convince any to take my hand. I stood alone with my emotions on display. Before everyone, there, I was, but not a single person Understood that, this was my reality, an aged woman. Still waiting for that one man to save her from her folly.

While I am still Young!

I dreamed of touring Paris. Walk hand in hand, there with you. Smile as I give my time to you. And lie in ever continent next to you. While I am still young and beautiful. It was never my desire To ever give up on you, But to share my life with you, While I have not visited Paris yet I want to, while I am still young and beautiful. I am aware of all my regrets. My aspiration also I cannot forget. Even my wish to visit Paris, with you. To wake up and find all these things are true. While I am still young and beautiful. I am the face behind all the stories. Yet, I’m still hoping, the day will come, When I can say my dreams came through While was still young and beautiful. And I got to spend my days with you.


Though I met her a long time ago, I do not know her any more. At that time, I was fond of her. But now, I truly do not know her. A pretty girl midnight cries. Is unheard in a quiet night. Does not stir even a single guy. As though, she is voiceless. Not truly interested in her. Her cries are meaningless. Even with her many appeals He remains motionless. At times, a man’s choice Is driven by concern, But where there is no love, He remains motionless.

Unique Perspective!

Obvious concerns for my not attending church meetings. Certainly none shown for my wellbeing or situation. They wear scales upon their eyes and fail to see God. They lift up their voices for heaven to hear them, Without realizing who sits and walks along, besides them. What need I say, need I do, why bother to tell them? These pitiful creatures do not know how to love, Or can they recognize heaven, such a shame. I listen to them daily as they declare, their love for me. Then in my very face, they bury it, as if to scoff at me. How terribly obvious, no need to be obnoxious or create a fuss. Who wants outward gratitude, when in ward there is none for me? So I go about my father’s business, I learn, and I glean. The entire time, I certainly can see that these creatures are selfish. Very much aware nothing would change, if I did share heaven with them.

Desire Pleasantness!

Come sit on the dock by the sea with me. We can let out feet dangle, As the swell of the ocean waves Splashes high enough that it soaks, Not just our feet, but both of us completely. Please allow me to rest my head on your chest. I long for all my sorrow, to be stripped from my broken heart; Also for the ease and compassion of a pleasant, kind person. Thought I met one like that, but I was quite mistaken. Hope I never to make such an error again, it was far too costly. I love the warmth of the sunlight as much as a welcoming spirit. Wish I knew one that exude both and to get to know him. As the willow trees hang and dangle low, so does my soul. My desire is to meet a caring person, in order to be uplifted. Currently that is my only goal and to wait for what comes after.

I wish to Live here!

My desire is to live near a beach Where seagulls are plentiful The smell of the salt air, Windy breeze daily hits my face. My spirit is revitalized as I sniff the ocean contents. Such would be paradise and the perfect place To unwind, live out my life after my challenges are complete. I long for only the rippling noise of the wind Or other sounds of nature stirrings. Such is my idea of an ideal place and is now beckoning. For I started life in a similar community. Not that I long to return to my exact origin, But to somewhere that have that sort of tone to it.

Too Young!

I am too young for you, But know for sure I would not forget you. I think and reminisce of All you say and do; While knowing in my heart. That, I am far too young. To be thinking about you. I remembered how kind and concerned You were, but even then I knew As much as I wanted to, A love affair between us would not work; Although anything I ask of you, you do, I knew, I was way too young for you. I am too young for you Still I could see and know That if I weren’t, I’d place you first. But even I know it was true; That I was simply too young. To be thinking, reminiscing, Wanting to spend time with only you.