The Evil one won!

I lost my life
To an apparent liar.
A cheater stole all
That was mine.
Not because of her
But what he did.
She can keep it
Not only for now
But for all eternity.
I wish to remember
But not to have regrets
For all this resulted
In a difficulty life for me.
Hurtful, and humiliating events scared; sucked joy,
The actions of the one that was to love and protect me.
I ask myself several times how could I return.
Would I have lost my mind, memory of the devastation?
I listen weekly to all these fool as they extol him.
Their example, if only they knew, I pity and resent them, as well.
It was all him, he used his spirt to bring about all of this.
How could I claim that it was me, he loved?
That would be rather stupid of me!


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