Unique Perspective!

Obvious concerns for my not attending church meetings.
Certainly none shown for my wellbeing or situation.
They wear scales upon their eyes and fail to see God.
They lift up their voices for heaven to hear them,
Without realizing who sits and walks along, besides them.

What need I say, need I do, why bother to tell them?
These pitiful creatures do not know how to love,
Or can they recognize heaven, such a shame.
I listen to them daily as they declare, their love for me.
Then in my very face, they bury it, as if to scoff at me.

How terribly obvious, no need to be obnoxious or create a fuss.
Who wants outward gratitude, when in ward there is none for me?
So I go about my father’s business, I learn, and I glean.
The entire time, I certainly can see that these creatures are selfish.
Very much aware nothing would change, if I did share heaven with them.


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