Hold on!

Hold on!
When it seems you cannot go on,
Hold on!
If everyone chose to let you down,
Hold on.
If there's not anything to sing about,
And your heart is filled with doubt
When you are facing some serious issues
And love ones refuse to assist you,
Hold on!
When there is nothing but confusion,
And you don't know what to do,
And no one offers a solution
if your heart is filled with reservation.
Hold on,
When all have failed and disappointed you,
Know that I've walked your path too,
For the world may not know, but I do.
hold on, hold on, I'm telling you to!

I long to support you,
To say and do what you need me to,
I promise you if nothing else is true,
I will always love and care for you.
So hold on, hold on, I'm here for you!


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