"Abuse" not about Hillary Clinton or Politics

Undone in the poet voice http://youtu.be/5T4rySKcXZQ

Adapted from "The Cry of our Children"
purchase yours here from amazon.com

I know the effects of abuse, I’ve lived through it. I adopted a family of four girls. They were ages one to four when they were placed in my home.  My children were sexually abused in foster care, even at their very young age. 

The fact that they got accepted in tier one universities while struggling with learning difficulties was not enough to empower them. Sadly, they still struggle with self esteem issues.

For all the reasons mentioned, I’ve dedicated my writings to empower victims and perhaps, to heal myself in some way.
Still wanting to hold onto the goodness of others, I lost sight of how cruel people can be. Not in a million years did it ever occur to me that "Bullshit" would be a response to any of my poems.

Yet, that was the exact response I got after making a performance video of my poem “undone.”

In the poem, I mentioned Hillary Clinton and received what I interpreted as an abusive response by a viewer of the video.

The idea of the poem was to say  Hillary was the first lady of America and while in that role she lived through a humiliating event and moved beyond it. The point is so can any of us.

A woman in an abusive relationship self esteem often diminishes and they blame themselves for their abusers actions. However, a victim is never at fault. Chuck Stubbs response to my poem was uncalled for no matter his opinion of Hillary Clinton or the President of the United States.

This poem is one of many in my collection the cry of our children. Yet, my entire book of poems is not of abuse but of various situations in life.

It calls for us to take interest in others.
I say if the majority stand up to the Chuck Stubbs of the world there would be improvement.  

Chuck Stubbs Bullshit. Hillary opens her mouth and lies fly out. Wake up America look at the idiot we have now in the White House our country will cease to exist as we no it if Hillary is elected.


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