How could I?

How could I choose someone who rejected me?
Someone who walked away
As I cried out, help me!

Someone who left me to die,
Someone who caused me to ask why.

Someone who stood by as I struggled.
How could I, love such a one?
How could I? How could I?

We all deserve unconditional love,
We're all made of flesh and blood.
Skin's just a covering, and ethnicity
shouldn't determine if one's a thug.

We should regard each other's lives,
not judge without fully knowing.

We all need to care. to forgive, to help others,
Not for their benefit, but ours.

We all hurt, but give others a chance,
Not that any is expected to ignore acts of hate,

But no one should ever have to ask,
How could I love someone, who deliberately hates?
How could I, How could I, How could I?

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It is so easy to love those who are kind to us.
But how many can love any who is harsh and
treats us unkindly.
My heart break for every family who lost
a love one to violence regardless of race,
or job description.


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