A great ending to a difficult year

Last year was a particularly difficult one but given all that, it ended with us having loads of fun, and creating beautiful memories with my children. A few days before the holidays I was struggling with preparing for the holidays. Fortunately for me, my husband took a few days off and helped. He assisted with deciding what gifts we should purchase for our children. I was extremely fatigued from dealing with my sixteen year old daughter's issues. As simply on deciding what gifts to purchase, I was struggling with that. In addition, my seventeen year old daughter got injured during a basketball practice. Fortunately her injury was more traumatic for me than it was for her. Somehow, despite my being overwhelmed, I was able to put all that aside and we ended the year in a truly pleasant and pleasing manner.

It had long been my desire to take our children on a skiing vacation. The blizzard of the North East worked favorably for us. The day after Christmas, as the snow started to cover the states, we arrived at a ski resort in Massachusetts. My children were terribly excited, I was a bit apprehensive. I had never been skiing before. I was pretty much aware; however, that my family was expecting me to get out there, and be alongside them. All I kept thinking was that I was going to end up breaking a bone. I tried to use my age as an excuse, but they would not let me out of it, so I put my fears aside and joined them.

The younger of the bunch had taken our garbage can covers with us. Even as the snow was coming down they found a hill, sat in the covers and entertained themselves. The older teens were way too cool for that, so they stayed indoors along with me to watch television. We slept in the first day and by the time we got out, the resort only had a few skis left. With that, I temporarily got out of skiing on that day. The following morning my husband got up exceptionally early and rented skis for everyone. By him doing this, I knew there was no possible excuse that I could come up with that would appease them.  I then ventured out along with everyone else to do some cross country skiing. I cannot rightfully say I mastered this, but I was able to keep up with the group. We all took turns falling and helping each other up and laughing and teasing. Of course, the children attempted the difficult course, but I stayed where I felt safe. The following day we went snow tubing, and I had no problem attempting all of the courses along side the children. There I got a few bumps and bruises, but because they were enjoying themselves, I did not mind taking a few hits, in order that my family could have an enjoyable time together.

Link to a video of  my daughters skiing.

video of children skiing


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