Still I Press on

It is not an easy task to re-establish trust once it is broken. However, things and people do change with time and circumstances. I retrieved my daughter from juvenile on Monday. I was extremely happy that I was finally able to bring her home, but at the same time, I was apprehensive. As difficult as this has been, it has simultaneously been a learning experience.

In the past two days as anxious and apprehensive as I have been, I have also made a conscious effort to be gracious to her. The last thing I want is for her to feel unwelcome in her own home. The exact first thing I did for her was to wash and condition her hair. Regardless of my daughters ages they all still enjoy my washing their hair for them. After I had finish applying the conditioner, she went off to her bathroom to rinse, and then to blow dry it. At that same moment, it occurred to me that there was something I need to say to her. As I walked towards her room, I heard movement in her sister adjacent room. I was a little frustrated that she was in there knowing her sister was at school. Instead of displaying my emotions, I spoke kindly to her. I asked her to use her own hair products instead of her sister’s. She appeared unusually receptive and was remarkably polite in the way she responded to my request. Over the last two days, I kept emphasizing to her, the importance of being obedient. On the other hand, I can clearly see a change in her attitude and the way she is receiving what I say to her. Her stance towards me has improved in comparison to the way she was prior to being locked up.

While in detention, I did insist that she receive psychotherapy, and I must say that it certainly appeared to have helped. She had individual sessions also meetings with me then later on her dad joined us. While she did say that being locked up angered her, she did have someone she could talk to. The therapist worked on improving her self expression, as opposed to acting on her impulses. She also worked to improving communication between my daughter and I. That aided in giving her the confidence she needs to talk to me. It also gave us the opportunity to put some of the hurt from the past behind us.

Pressing charges against her for using my car without permission was extremely difficult. The entire time she was locked away, I was heart broken. In the same token, it was difficult to move on and provide a secure atmosphere for my other children. Nonetheless, I had to. I struggled emotionally, and I got through it. Parenting is such a tough job, and I had to make some extremely difficult choices, for my daughter's sake I did so. If there were an easier way, I would not have chosen to do things differently. The very last thing I wanted to do was to hurt my child.


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