A Cry for Love and Attention

I received a letter from my daughter yesterday saying, she had cried for three hours the day before she wrote that letter. Previously to that I got one saying, the program she was at was not as hard as they made it out to be. All the girls did was stretches, and it was the boys that the drills were being taught to. In that letter, she stated that the boys were being treated harshly but the girls as if they were their own children. It was beyond me why that was a terrible thing. Now she wrote, I am in need of love and affection, but now I am not getting any. Besides she said, I have serious separation anxiety issues and it is extremely difficult being away from you.

This is the one thing I can identify with. Even at eighteen years old when I decided to leave home to follow after my dreams, I remember how difficult it was. I also wanted to return to my parents, but my care-taker would not hear of it. At one point, I called my mother crying, telling her to come to my rescue because I needed her. As I read my daughter's letter that was what came to mind. She also talked about how difficult it was for her being locked up in Juvenile, and she thought that where she was at, was a lot worse because it is highly restrictive. I felt that she wanted me to go rescue her as my mother eventually did me. My situation was way different from hers with some similarity. I sent her to that facility because she was at risk for not graduating high school due to her own choices. Where as, I came to this country looking to further my education but due to unfortunate circumstances that was not happening. My mother intervened, and that was what enabled me to accomplish, part of my goal in life. I say partially because I intended to go a lot further than I did.

I know how difficult it is to be away from family and not having the love and security that they provide. I also know the challenges I was facing with my daughter. I know that I tried numerous interventions and that getting the authorities involved in our life was a last resort. I told her that being at that academy would be exceedingly difficult. As I read her letter, I wondered if I had any other alternative if she came back here. I certainly do not want to give in, only to have her to continue manipulating me. The goal is for her to succeed in life, not to hurt her. I know that she is hurting and that my writings have always been about giving voice to hurting children. It has never been about saving them from the consequences of their mistakes; no one can save anyone from their folly. It is more about expressing their struggle and mine in the hopes that someone might benefit from it. If she were being taken advantage of then I would have intervened, but that is not the case. In about six weeks, she will be able to come home for spring break, and in another week, she will be able to make calls. For now, we are corresponding the old fashioned way via post.

For more about me and my writings please visit my web-site at: Http://home.earthlink.net/~rgarnes/


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