Treat Others as You want to be Treated!

It is not what and how much you gave.
It is how you respond, the way you behaved.
We all want our own, our one true significant.
To have and to hold that one for now and always.
To be secure without doubt or fear not to be in disrepair.
Be accepted just as we are in spite of our imperfections,
Flaws or who and what we truly are.

But when we get turned down,
What would be the point in sticking around?
Rejection cuts deep. What we value we keep.
Who wants always to be in the standby seat?
Waiting for the day, for the desired to say,
"Your time has come, you can join me now.
For, I have been forsaken by the significant,
The one I chose, gave my time, my years,
All of my youth. Exactly what anyone would have wanted.
What you desired and would have valued most, I gave away."

There is no honor in being a replacement, or a stand in.
Yet all people should be treated with love and respect.
As, though, they were a King or a Queen, or your actions
You should regret, if you sincerely grasps, that they truly are.
If, by your actions, you showed disrespect to one of God's elect.
How could you then demand favor or expect to be treated with respect?

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