Pushed Aside

The idea of being holy is to be set aside. It is not the same as being discarded, deserted, and forgotten. In the years, Joseph was imprisoned; God cared for him and blessed him, even in those difficult circumstances. He was using that situation to prepare him for something even greater. This is an example of what it means to be holy. This was a temporary situation, and while Joseph was still relatively young, he was released out of bondage. I know that Joseph anticipated leaving prison a long time before he was released, but he was held until the time of his true purpose.

When I was 19 years old, I was in no way ready for an adult relationship. When I was 24 years old, I believe, I was ready. When I thought I was ready, I had a particularly disturbing and brief encounter. I called the one person I had chosen but determined he had rejected me based on his tone and behavior during that time. I did not and still do not view his intentions towards me as being holy. I interpreted his actions as pushing me aside. I concluded that he had found what he wanted, and it was not me. It saddened me, but it did not change my opinion of him. I chose him because I thought; he was a terrific guy and a lovely person. If I could see that, why would someone else not be able to, also? After all, I am not the only woman with terrific taste. With that, I concluded that my lost was someone else's gain. From that point, I thought of him on occasion. Out of respect for him and his choices, I walked away not that it was what I wanted to do.

When God set someone aside, he stays mindful of them, especially if he intends to restore them. He gives all of us free will and he will never force anyone to love or to accept him. He does not force himself on anyone, especially those he chose. I know that for a fact, for it appears to me as if, he puts the welfare of his children before that of his servant. I compare myself to Joseph and David because I know their story. I know their struggles, and I know they are examples of what it means to be holy, set apart. They endured extreme difficulty for what I would say was a relatively short period of time before they were lifted up. I know my life story better than anyone, and there is certainly no one that knows everything about me. With that, I am electing to say that when it comes to being set aside and pushed aside, that is where my story differs. Nothing in life was ever dropped in my lap. I worked to attain and acquire every little thing that I have. Even the children that I chose has made me worked extremely hard to prove, myself and even so has inflicted me and disrespected me. I feel the same is true concerning the man, I chose to marry. In many ways, all these are symbolic of man's rejection of God and even him of me, his servant. So unlike the way, he has treated his preferred choice. There were times when I made a conscious decision not to complain, and it is only now that I have gotten to this point, that I am. This has happened as a direct result of his rejection more so than of any man's. In addition, it has been way too long, and I do feel that I have been patient and tolerant and I am no longer willing to listen. Promises and excuses no longer appeal to me; his responses have changed my views.

I know that I have to finish that I am currently doing before I can do anything else, but that does not give me any comfort, or provide me any relief. I feel that whatever I desired or delighted in, that it was with held from me. Some things were not for personal gratification but were significant and would have made things a lot less challenging. It certainly has made me feel pushed aside and not set aside as with holy. It has caused the words of Isaiah that says for a small moment I abandon you but with considerable mercies I will gather you, of no significance to me. It has caused me to ask, what would I want from anyone that turned away from me? Not that, I am better, but everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. I was not, and I feel that if I were to sit around and wait for precisely that, I would be old and grey before that happens and is. I cannot see any difference between this and a slave owner who takes one of his slaves for his partner after his wife leaves him. The master chooses a slave as a partner because it is not desire that he then seeks to fulfill but his own need. Her obligation to him is not centered on love but bound by duty. No one would certainly have any regard for such a woman or treat her with respect, and a situation of such is most definitely not an example of love or holiness. I see that as being more in line with my situation than David's and Joseph's.

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