In Order To Finish, What I started!

The Lord’s purpose, in what I call the first appearance, was to die a sacrificial death. Which person would have voluntarily obeyed and did what was expected of him, if he could have gotten out of doing that? The circumstances at that time inhibited him from walking away.

If I have given the impression that I would not walk away from my current situation, that is an illusion. I am truly proficient at walking away from circumstances that are less than desirable. I believe that I am presently teaching my daughters to stay and try to handle a trying situation that I would probably advise them, to get the hell out of. For all the reasons, I maybe doing this, that is what trouble me the most. Currently my husband is being supportive of me. I feel that the only reason he is now, concerning dealing with our troubled child, is that he finally realized that, I was telling him the truth. When it comes to that child, I am extremely discouraged and intensely concerned about my safety because no matter how much I extend my hands to her, she continues to be obnoxiously rude to me. Until she becomes eighteen at the end of this year, she is my responsibility. No matter the circumstances, God would not want for me to forsake her. It takes a lot of what I do not have to be tolerant and kind and loving, especially when a person is being out rightly rude. She is responsible for her actions, but that behavior was learned.

One would have to see me among the people, where I was born to understand why I was guarded. They treated me well while others here gave me extreme grief. Although, there were many people here who recognized that I was of the same ancestry as they; and those people treated me well. I must communicate, that I loved them as much as I loved anyone that I felt a kindred with.

The circumstances of my life are for a purpose, one that I do not like, and if I certainly had a way out, I would take it. I have been through quite a bit, and tolerated a lot, and now I am unsure about even the one that I had confidence in.

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