A Thousand Goodbyes!

Goodbye, I said,
A thousand times.
Then turn around
To say something else.
Thought I needed to.
I was not planning
To return to him again.
I was seeking after
My heart desire
And all I wish was for him
To be aware of that and so much more.
I made that error once before
Of not explaining, many years ago.
I did not get another chance,
With that I thought it pertinent to express
All that I in that moment felt, he should know.
So, there I was repeating myself,
Saying goodbye and truly meaning it.
He appeared so darn unimpressed.
The last person, I failed to warn or helped, died.
I vowed never to replicate that mistake again.
The situation was not exactly the same as then.
For this was my second try, my reason for returning,
To state my intent, circumstance of my revisiting,
Cause for departing and plans of not returning.
He did not stir, I knew, I did not convince him.
That anything I said was true, or occurring.
It appeared as if my absence did not and would not affect him.
So a thousand goodbyes, I said, after repeating it several times.


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