Seven Good Reasons!

Investing my heart, mind and twenty years
In marriage, family, things I believed in,
Was grueling hard work, but done out of love
For seven wonderful reasons.
Being mindful of my children’s struggles
Cause me to continue when I did not want to.
I kept at it in spite of feeling like caving in.

Not for a moment did I believe that
My choices, actions would impair me,
And it certainly was not that, which caused it.
Simply the lack of effort, I perceive
The failure of my mate to come along side me,
To empathize, render a therapeutic helping hand
Work harmoniously together on comprehending
Acquire a heart for the precious little souls.
We are placed in charged of.
In order to enable them to heal and their tidal wave
Of misunderstood emotions, which at times,
Contributed to their unacceptable behaviors,
And my loss of trust in our relationship.


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