Lesson Learned!

Fearing my somewhat of a difficult situation
Had gotten out of hand, I panicked.
Sorrow and distress became my only companion.
Individuals that I believed once cared and loved me
I realized were nothing more than my enemy.
Overwhelmed with thoughts that I would foolishly reconcile
With a self consumed idiot made my situation seem hopeless.
I wanted to know the truth, when I finally did, I could not deal with it.
How could I for a moment go on lying to myself and trust their decision
Was for my benefit, or that I was ignored out of love, when that devastated me?
I knew extremely well the results of partnering with another who has no regard for me.
With that, this was a particularly relevant but difficult lesson, I needed to know this.
I certainly would not want ever to believe in my heart or deceive myself again, by feeling that one so extremely heartless, who does not love me, do.
There were a few that stood with me and those that would have, I also know them.
In my mind the specific ones that failed me had what I needed,
Could have helped me, enabled me, even with all the problems that had beaten me.
Now all I wish for is to always remember that in my time of need,
These did not know or desire to be here for me. For with them I need not partner.
I am now equipped and acutely aware that I possess the key to prevent that from happening in the future.


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