The Answer!

Not answering is an answer.
Based on that I will do.
To give my mind peace and rest.
Which means twelve years ago,
I had my last and final child.
He is Celestial like me.
Just not Michael, the prince.

Tomorrow I will see my doctor.
In order to get the chemothearpy.
And, that may result in some prophecies
Not coming true or being true of me.
Not that it will give satisfaction to me.
But be a relief due to the impossibility that
This choice would created. It would cause me,
To never again choose to partner with anyone.
Especially those that deserted me during this time.

I promise myself never to lament again.
Simply to retreat and to go silent, as things
Draws to an end next month, it would mean
The loss of many in the future but I would be
As indifferent as they have all been to me.

For more of Ruth's poetry purchase, Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality.


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