Not the Time or Place!

In a playful boyish way, he flirted.
I glanced at him but did not fraternize.
His playfulness and his pleasant smile,
Boosted my spirit but I hid it and instead,
Shifted my eyes as I deliberately disguised
My feelings and diligently kept at my task.

The only sound heard could have been
The many pins that often fell noiselessly.
Was always on pins and needles myself.
Very much aware that I needed to be vigilant.
Not a squeak or a single word did I then speaks.
I stood motionless trying to hide my interest.

Within seconds, the smile disappeared from his face.
Now I ponder, what caused his interest to cease.
Could it have been his apprehension or my position?
Dared not say what I was then feeling, should not now.
Was not like me to mix work and play, or to disobey.
I welcomed the love and attention, he needed more.
Just was not the best time or right place, so I resisted.

When the tables finally toppled, he is now doing the same.
He was certainly not as cheerful, was quite contrite, ignores.
Or was he no longer interested, it was different, we moved on.
At that time, I had no other family to turn to except him.
And that is still unchanged along with his unawareness to this date.

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