Angel Replaced!

I am the old Jerusalem!
Is it that I look different?
Or have I been replaced?
Clothe in an unidentifiable way.
Why was it written that the new
Descended out of heaven?
As though I am no more than
A City, a structure with a wall
And twelve doors, no children.
What became of me, the angel?

Guess, everlasting is pretty short.
Not as long as we all thought.
For it is also written that God loved
Jerusalem with an everlasting love.
Does Godly love pallor or is different,
From human’s, the way they treat their,
Chosen with honor and respect?

Is God’s love worth attaining, or losing?
Guess the answer to all these things,
I am also gleaning. Is disappointed with
My station among other things.
I also became a victim, can identify
With the loveless and forgotten.
Those I tried to empathize and work with.

For more of Ruth's poetry purchase, Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality.


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