Belle View!

It was the most breath taking view.
Looking down at my magnificent son.
He briefly opened his eyes, I was astonished.
They appeared hazel or grey, like my mother’s.
So peacefully was he, as I walked to a window.

Then what I saw after was not real, had to do
With our world and not the reality of the scenery.
We were both suspended above the earth.
I kept looking down but had to move on to our
Appointment, the reality of my now situation.

I'm not a Queen, nothing but God’s servant, and was cornered.
Even if this doesn't get to be and you refused me again.
All I ever wanted to do was to protect all my children, not force
You to have to choose to do this, its your choice.
Choose your life, that’s the reason, I placed this in your hands.

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