It is Finish!

If I left something, behind
It was for an excellent reason.
No need to look back
Or imagine that it was for a season.
If I moved on, and away from someone,
I did so for a reason and needs to forget them.
Why be a fool and return to my folly?
What honor is there in humiliation?
Purpose does not matter, or who it was,
Whether family, God, people or property.
They need stay where it is best for them to be,
Especially if they deliberately avoided me.
Their actions showed they did not love
Or ever considered the effects it would produce.
I do grieve over their stupidity and mine.
That led to my consistently being so disappointed.
Gives me cause to grieve every time
I remember their callous responses, for my sake
There should be no future with them, this I clearly see.


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