A Place for Me!

Wish there were some place for me.
For it is there that I would rather be.
A home, a City that was built for me.
There the king would not be welcomed.

I’d empty all the skies, fill it with
My heart desire just not any of them.
There my heavenly father, would not lead.
For he, was a disappointment to me.

In place of the earth, just the seas.
Erased would be all of humanity.
Then I would be sincerely happy.
For they, have robbed me of me.

Their wish is for me to become weary.
Forget the many ways they inflicted me.
Then my reward would be simply peace.
After foolishly returning to them, although
They never loved or cared for me.

I was not designed to a warrior be.
Yet, they have awaken that in me.
I now want war not their promise of peace.
And not to ever return to any of these.


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