Not Anymore!

I do not like my lonely nights.
Or fighting with my spirit
So that I could do what
I was taught was right.
Just wanted to be alright.
To be held and cuddled
Not struggle just to survive.
I wanted to be loved not denied.

Oh love, love, I wanted to know you.
To hold you and for you, me to get to know.
Oh love, love where did your compassion
For me go? Just wanted you to know,
Because of what you have done to me,
Love, I will never call you friend ever again.

I wanted warmth, comfort
Not circumstance or obligations
But for genuine love to keep me calm.
I needed love, I wanted romance.
To be held in someone’s caring arms,
Not loving from a second chance,
But one because I was number one.

Oh love, love I was deserted by you.
How could I then, allow you to use me?
Yet all this I wanted for you to know.
Oh love, love as much as I hate to say this,
I do not want to see or be with you anymore.
You got to go, I cannot go through this.
My heart cannot take it, not anymore.


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