It's a Rap!

I am not a rocket scientist but.
I figured out, he had been lying.
I am over it, and he should quit.
If not careful, then I would be
fallen down drunk from his deceit.

I did not put words in his mouth.
I figured it out.
He did not need to be a phony.
But considering on the real story.
I am not a mad woman /span>
I would not walk away from a good person.,br />
I give to charity, but I find them.
Not the other way around.
I was just trying to better my life.
He interjected himself in my life.
I cared at the time but not now.
Because, he did not showed me any love.

I was not avoiding anyone
Simply had a lot going on.
I need to be free of this, I need to have some peace!
Leave and let me be, stop pretending you cared for me.


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