Traffic Light!

I wave my emotions as though,
It is what drives me to react
Or move on or simply hold back.
As the colors of a traffic light.
Except red does not mean stop.
It is the color of the blood that I’ve got.
Green does not mean go.
It is an indicator that I do not know.
Yellow means that I failed to act,
Because it is not as relevant as all that.

Red is the color, that from the start,
Surges through my veins and heart.
Yellow, causes me to think that ignorance
Is never an excuse for not doing the right thing.
Green: Is not an indicator to race ahead
But a sign that new life is springing up instead.

Go; go, go to where I do not know.
Go, go, go is that all I need to directing me.
Go, go, go does it matter, who is ahead or behind me.
From now on I will see red, yellow and green differently.
Because those colors has significance to me.
More than the changing colors of a traffic light.
They mean that I am here and were given life.


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