
It saddens me to listen as individuals glow.
Chatter because they simply do not know.
I have to be silent, in knowing you, their example.
Abandoned your wife for most of her human life.
Provided only for you. Did not even give her a family.
But individuals that did the same as you.
Left her to struggle on her own. Did not recognize her.
Over and over those were the kind of people you chose.
Why do I have to consistently subject myself to those?
Keep remembering, how alone I was in my most difficult hour.
I had no family, but one friend with me. Yet, you are here,
And scripture claims, you will no longer do that to me.
Another insult, for until, I appear as a woman of earthly value.
Only then will you stand next to me and claim me as your wife.
That is not genuine love, simply a demonstration of self centeredness.


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