Bogus Relative!

I would not hurt my girlfriend.
But definitely back away from
The girl who claim to be my cousin.
Hey, world they exist by the dozen.
I got lots and lots of all shade of cousins.
Hoola –hooping, barrel looking, stick figure.
They come in all shape and sizes. Who am I
To be criticizing what anyone has been doing?
I got me some extreme reaction from my kin folks.
It is no joke; they keep writing, sending me notes.
Hey cuz! What if we hook up and catch up.
Perhaps we can make up for my ignoring you
For say the last twenty-nine years, how about it!
Why should I believe it? Where have you been,
When my heart was punctured and bleeding?
Your Heavenly Father must not know, what’s
Happening in this world if he thinks, we're related.
Why should I be kind and protect a bogus relative?

For more of Ruth's poetry purchase, Fantasy/Controversy or My Reality.


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